To ROON or not to ROON ?

I have read a lot about upgrades from a blue sound vault of which I have. I have considered the rose, aurender, among others. The first question I have is Roon worth having ? I am a qobuz subscriber and wonder if Roon will make a substantial difference. As far as I know Aurender does not support Roon. Anyone with Room experience ?

THX for the feedback


I also was Roon tested several years ago and found it not worthwhile. Several years of buggy metadata and erratic organizing with NativVita, not to mention the company going belly up made me reconsider when looking at alternative hard drive based devices. A couple of sales staff recommended Roon as a platform based on my input (even though steering me away from their products- shout out to Fred’s Sound of Music and Stereotypes in PDX). Importing CD’s into a Roon Nucleus has been by far the least painless experience of this task to date. Their integration of Qobuz is also a pleasure as is Roon’s ability to inhabit Roon tested/ready devices. Basically it took years of suboptimal experiences with computer/hard drive audio me to become Roon ready

I am thirsty for new music and knowledge about artists and music I already know. I have a large collection of soundboard concert recordings not available on any streaming service. Roon & Qobuz gives me simple integration of my library with streamed library. The user experience I find is more submersive than Audirvana+, Amarra, Lumin and others I've used before. Musical discovery, credits, grouping 19 versions of Kind of Blue, etc. are all intuitive and encourage more engagement. Roon is the only software that I ever could call fun.

In the year or so I've used it, they're twice made significant improvements including just adding mobile offline access. I'm pretty happy using Roon & Qobuz. 



Finding plenty of "new to me" on Qobuz without paying someone for questionable "tips." That said I mostly listen to local files, off network.

Plenty of good stuff to "discover" there.

For just over $100 a year what’s not to like there isNothing even close it even learns your type of music and will play mixes on its own , for information about groups and songs loaded with information it is interesting and is built to use HQ player which isa great way to get your music to sound to your taste.

Just paid for a lifetime subscription.

Have had all the software combinations spoken about above by others. But just wanted to stop fiddling and have perfect integration with superior meta integration. Roon fits that bill.


I only use it on one system, without a streaming service. Unlike my Apple computer gear, Roon just works.