Joni Mitchell remasters on the way

FYI, some remastered Joni albums from an amazing period are on the way. I’m especially excited about how "Miles of Aisles" turns out, because that album really needs a remaster.

"Rhino explores the beginning of the prolific Asylum era with THE ASYLUM ALBUMS (1972-1975), the next installment in the Joni Mitchell Archives series. The collection features newly remastered versions of For The Roses (1972), Court And Spark (1974), the double live album Miles Of Aisles (1974), and The Hissing Of Summer Lawns (1975). All four were recently remastered by Bernie Grundman."


I have these, often in multiple formats. 
the early stuff is restored from older rape technology, and that is reflected in the n the vinyl. 

some are Rhino, some are Reprise…

in many cases they have limited the number of pressings. 

the next batch should prove interesting, at least. 

here is a discussion over on PS Audio regarding dynamic range, perception (we all think our own is the best).

@jwillox I took time to read the PS Audio article you linked, but didn't bother with the comments section. Much of this I already understood. It's almost a matter of taste. Some of us have the equipment and quiet environments to listen to recordings with lots of dynamic range, and can appreciate it, and sometimes prefer it. Others don't. Some prefer loud remastered versions of recordings, while others don't. Some prefer loud concerts, while others don't. Some prefer very dynamic recordings (balls to the wall compression and limiting), while others don't. It's all a matter of taste and preferences. I would never personally say that because a recording has lots of dynamic range, it lacks sonics or impact. That may be one person's perception, but it's definitely not mine.  

This is one of the things I learned from being a Radio Broadcast Engineer; to overcome street noise (in vehicles where most of radio listening takes place), one must process radio broadcasting audio aggressively to maintain a consistent dynamic loud listening level (the exception is some jazz and classical radio stations). That's why I, when enjoying music at home, I prefer whatever the Mixing Engineer or Mastering Engineer has produced and recorded, without any added EQ, compression or limiting. Mixing and mastering audio is a craft and art, and I respect someone's artistic ability to use it, and be entertained by it. As I mentioned in another post; I tailor my home audio system(s) to try and replicate what the mixing and mastering engineers heard when they did their work. I'm not trying to replicate a live performance SPL setting at home. But hey, that's me, and I try not to put down what others are trying achieve.    


Thanks for your further elaborations, and indeed for contributing so much to this thread despite your complete disinterest in hearing let alone buying these releases from Joni. Very generous of you!

Let me be clear — what I especially like is when the remaster reveals notes previously un-hearable in the original. That's what I mean by "muddy." 

It's not a preference for "brightness" in terms of the aesthetic sheen of the music. It's the desire to hear more of the contributions of the musicians on stage or in the mix.

Excellent information as above. I ,too,  own JM catalog from debut to "Mingus". Original pressing CDs. No (HDCD) editions. I own 1 or 2 on DCC Gold Disc.

Per most of my CD/SACD collection, 90% are easily original CD pressings. Very few re-masters from 1994 to Present. The HDCD counterparts are The Grateful Dead and Neil Young (Crazy Horse) catalogs.


Happy Listening!