Even if you don’t have any SPL meters, it’s really as simple as just sitting in your listening room sweet spot, and for a few moments, listening; with no music playing. If you hear your refrigerator running, or your furnace running, or neighbors outside, or even audio equipment transformer mechanical hum; this background noise, in essence, is raising your *perceived* listening room noise floor. You may tune it out when music is playing, but it’s still there. You may find (I know I do) your listening experience, better, or improved, by trying to lower the ambient noise level in your listening area. It goes without saying that so much about achieving and reaching audio system performance nirvana is about listening - buzzes, hums, wall reflections, dead acoustics, cold acoustics, the difference in cable choices, etc. (keeping the good, while eliminating the bad). In my particular situation, my furnace and refrigerator are the loudest in my home. If I’m in a serious listening mood, and want a really quiet listening environment, I will temporarily turn them off.