Background noise.

I was just reminded of how critical the ambient noise level is to appreciating a good system.

Because the air quality has not been that good over the last week. I had turned on my air cleaner in the next room, on low, about 25 feet away from my audio seat… and 33’ from my speakers. The air filter is not noisy and set on low. I do not notice it when not listening to music while sitting in my audio chair.

I was listening to a vinyl album I know well. I appreciated that I could not hear a bit of surface noise, not even a little. But it seemed like something was missing… the full dynamics of the album.

Finally I remembered the air filter was on. I turned it off. Wow. What a difference. My system’s noise floor is way below my room’s with the air filter on… even though it is really difficult to hear the air filter without the system on.

Ambient noise is really important… even when at the threshold of perception. Distant refrigerators, laundry… or air conditioners. 


Even if you don’t have any SPL meters, it’s really as simple as just sitting in your listening room sweet spot, and for a few moments, listening; with no music playing. If you hear your refrigerator running, or your furnace running, or neighbors outside, or even audio equipment transformer mechanical hum; this background noise, in essence, is raising your *perceived* listening room noise floor. You may tune it out when music is playing, but it’s still there. You may find (I know I do) your listening experience, better, or improved, by trying to lower the ambient noise level in your listening area. It goes without saying that so much about achieving and reaching audio system performance nirvana is about listening - buzzes, hums, wall reflections, dead acoustics, cold acoustics, the difference in cable choices, etc. (keeping the good, while eliminating the bad). In my particular situation, my furnace and refrigerator are the loudest in my home. If I’m in a serious listening mood, and want a really quiet listening environment, I will temporarily turn them off.

We should demand our rights for late night listening freedom 🙂

trying to have my listening sessions from 23hrs till ...power amp gets...warm enough.

Drawback is the volume, you want more.

Ambient noise is the bane of audio listening sessions. It's why, in my crappy second floor apartment, I rarely listen in the summer when the AC is on. It's a wall unit and shares the same space as my stereo making it impossible to fully appreciate the music.

There are times when I'll go as along as two weeks without listening as it frustrates the living hell out of me. Then, when I can turn it on, the event is  almost an epiphany.

I can imagine and appreciate what a junkie goes through to get that fix.

All the best,

I have two background noise sources: the (low noise) fans on my LabGruppen amp, and a slight hiss coming from the EV horns that’s due to their 111dB sensitivity and being coupled directly to a Belles SA30 amp (such that noise down stream is exposed) - that is, sans any passive cross-over components in between to filter noise. Both noise sources are barely audible from the listening position, and being very low in nature and once the music (or movie) is playing, I don’t notice it. That is until I switch off my amps and music server so that the setup effectively comes to rest, and now I suddenly notice the silence (...).

I’m guessing these noise sources have some impact on my listening experience, but to which degree is up in the air; again, I’m not consciously burdened by it. One thing I can’t (or don’t want to) do anything about is the slight hissing noise coming form the horns. I could filter some noise with a capacitor in between, while also protecting the compression driver to some extend in case of a malfunction down stream, but it would also defeat the purpose of avoiding passive cross-over components to begin with (I know: dangerous living). The other noise source though from the LabGruppen amp I could potentially ameliorate with even lower noise fans. That I’m actually looking into.

At the end of the day and at present I find the background noise level from my setup to be fully acceptable, but as I outlined above some effort can be made to bring it down even further. It will be interesting to see the outcome of it.


Ok, your user ID is taking on a meaning. I am really sorry to hear about your situation. That has got to be hard.

I actually assembled my former Office headphone system in the adjacent room in part to get away from my quiet air conditioner (in its own room, with a solid door) during the afternoon in summer. But now I can control my air conditioner from my iPhone… so I can turn it off during summer afternoon sessions.

I then upgraded my headphone system to audiophile levels. So, it is in a quiet place and offers isolation. It also allows me to watch the fire and listen to music in my library during the winter.

I really hope you can get into a quiet house soon.