What’s Voodoo power cords signature sounding?

What’s Voodoo’s signature sounding in your 1 or 2 words?

Which cable company that has such similar house sound to Voodoo or vice versa.

lastly, which power cord(s) model did you own?



Look at how long the Crusades lasted. 

LOL! Passion serving absolute truth knows no limit!


Power cables are important, but they aren't a tuner.  Those who give wine reviews of cables are really giving a review of the wine they had while listening.



@carlsbad +1 the best post on the topic!

would be cool to see posts on "blind test" results from ppl who "can hear power cables".

I'm a new member and just assembling a decent system, although I have had stereo since about 1970. I simply don't know if a new power cord enhances sound. Unless the old one was defective. Since reading some posts on the topic I have a question. I know audio and video are different realms, although they appear together in a home theater. So, does replacing the power cord on my tv or bluray player result in either better sound or picture?

If you live in a high rise in the middle of a metropolis, you will likely benefit from power cords and power conditioners. If you live in a rural area with a dedicated power feed to your listening room, the power cords or conditioners will likely be unnecessary additions. So both camps are right if they understand the logistics of it. Unfortunately that hardly seems to be the case. They prefer stating their personal experience as fact for everyone rather than thinking it through.