What’s Voodoo power cords signature sounding?

What’s Voodoo’s signature sounding in your 1 or 2 words?

Which cable company that has such similar house sound to Voodoo or vice versa.

lastly, which power cord(s) model did you own?



Well for a long time, i thougt that it is bullshit to use any money on powercables.
But i got wiser.
I started with Xindac pc-05 and Xindac pc-03.
Immediatly i got more sound, more room more dynamics.
Later i would notch it up with the Xindac FP-05. That was a bad suprise. Everything bacame sibliant, so away with that.
Then i tried LAB12 knack and some other fancy powercables, but the sun went up with the Ludic Polaris.
My wife asked, what i did with the sound, and me WHY??
It sounds mere alive, clean and smoth, and i continued and more dynamic with ekstra good timing now.
So I can only say, ypu dont know what you are taking about, if you havent tried it.
If you cant hear the difference, you music system aint that good, or your ears aint what they used to be.

The price 100 € only, and it had stod its test to cables 5 time the price.....
In my system.
So go out and try some power cables, and remember to get the polarity right.
There is a neutral and a hot and in Denmark also a ground.
You can measure in the powercable, before you plug it in.
Is there almost 0 volts its is neutral, and a lot more, it is hot.

All this talk, i think i will go ballistic, and go out and try the Ludic Aesir to 120 €

In Germany they are tired to hear people say, there is no difference in the sound of cables.
So we are going to PROVE it, and MEASURE it. Here they go with speaker cables.

And once again we see the BASHERS here in full force without one shred of evidence or expertise to back up their bashing. I guess they have never seen a recorded scope trace showing the current rise and decay down to a few nanoseconds. That also does not include the overall power carrying capability of a particular cable. Just because a particular cable is rates at a certain voltage or current doesn’t mean that it is capable or limited to those numbers at any particular time. Hopefully they are mostly UNDERATED for safety sake. Just like a breaker, a cable can handle much more in a burst but lesser quality cables may not that as good of a burst response as a better one And that is just one factor.
It is this type of Uneducated Unscientific blather that is making this forum less and less relivant and I totally believe they are just trying to destryoy the sigh.



”If you are looking for an argument with that logic, you’re barking up the wrong tree! “

+1 👍👍👍

Definitely the right answer.

Power cables do not make sound. The gear they power do. What they can do is deliver power reliably. Most of what happens then is up to the gear. So you want good quality wires that are up to the task. Don’t cheap out and don’t go overboard, at least to start. Power amps do best with power cords that can deliver more current better. Shielding also can help. Line level and phono gear do best with cords that are shielded. Current delivery is not an issue. Those are the fundamentals. Beyond that it is hit or miss and YMMV. Wires are the simplest things in the system to get right. The rest is mostly subjective. People make the mistake of correlating sound quality directly with wire cost which can easily be a costly mistake.  Common sense is always a plus.