I clicked on the support icon at night and when I woke up there was a response. So far I feel this was one of the most worthwhile upgrades on a long time.
I keep meaning to install the 4 TB SSD but I can’t stop listening to it.
surrender n200 vs n20
good morning. has anyone used or demo’d these 2 unites. i have a a20 and love it, also have a burmester 151mk2, like it even better. also have a aavik s180, nice piece as well.
i recently got a aavik u300 integrated for another system i am putting together, its a very nice piece. i used its dac with the 151mk2 unit, it is very good dac in the u300, not as good as the one in the 151 but its very nice.
therefore, i have decided to go back to aurender for the streamer, i like its app better than the aavik.
thoughts on the n200 vs n20, thanks
@ghdprentice Yes, it's very dependent on the DAC, some are optimized for USB. Have you tried using the dual AES/EBU digital outs on the W20SE? |