High Sensitivity Speakers that work best with SS

In general, most all "high sensitivity" speakers I have heard or read about seem to do best with tube amps. Is that pretty much always the case? Anyone have experience with any "high sensitivity" speakers that in general work or sound better with SS amps than tube amps ?
I am surprised that Nelson Pass' FirstWatt amps haven't been mentioned yet. SS amps designed and often built by a master, and intended for sensitive speakers. 6moons has reviewed most of them if you want an idea of the different models' flavors and requirements. I loved the F2J and F3 in particular.
Almarg, I suspect that the Daedalus efficiency is less than the 98 db figure stated. Duke of Audiokinesis makes a speaker that he claims is about 95 db, yet it is more efficient. I do agree though that a nice flat impedance curve does allow you to audition the differences between tube and transistor without much editorial from the speaker. In most cases.

However, If you are using Voltage Paradigm design rules, it may well be that the speaker's crossover points will not work properly with all tube amps even though the speaker has a flat impedance curve. From what I've seen/heard of the Daedalus though I don't think that it is any concern in that regard.
I think that most speakers, high efficiency or not, sound better with good tube amps than solid state, provided the amps are not pushed very hard. But, with many low efficiency speakers it really is hard to run them in a low-powered amps sweet spot if one listens at fairly high volume. I personally don't like most high-powered tetrode and pentode amps, the exception being OTL amps.

High efficiency speakers allow one to better exploit the advantages of tube gear, but, they can make the best of solid state gear as well.

I have heard my system with the First Watt J2 amp and I liked that amp a lot. The J2 delivers clarity, natural timbre and a grain-free sound. It does not quite deliver the enveloping soundstage of a good SET amp and notes don't quite give the impression of blooming into space and decaying naturally like a SET amp, but, the J2 is still good in this regard. The slightly hard edge to the initial attack of notes gives it away as a solid state amp. Still, I think it is a VERY good amp, particularly considering the price. I wish there was some way to hear their SIT amp in my system (the friend who bought the J2 and lent it to me for a week is not likely to buy another First Watt amp).
01-18-13: Atmasphere
If you are using Voltage Paradigm design rules, it may well be that the speaker's crossover points will not work properly with all tube amps even though the speaker has a flat impedance curve. From what I've seen/heard of the Daedalus though I don't think that it is any concern in that regard.
Good point, Ralph. Agreed on all counts.
I suspect that the Daedalus efficiency is less than the 98 db figure stated.
That's a possibility, as far as I am aware, as the only numbers I have seen are the published specs. FWIW, I can say that my Ulysses and my 65 watt amp show no signs at all of approaching their limits while producing 105 db peaks at my 12 foot listening distance. Although that of course does not rule out the possibility that they might be a few db shy of the specified number.

Best regards,
-- Al