When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?

I've always been a little bit suspicious when gear costs more than $25,000 . At $25,000 all the components should be the finest, and allow room for designer Builder and the dealer to make some money.

I mean that seems fair, these boxes are not volume sellers no one's making a ton of money selling the stuff.

But if I'm listening to a $40,000 amplifier I imagine me Liking it a whole lot more just because it costs $40,000. How many people have actually experienced listening to a $40,000 amplifier.  It doesn't happen that often and usually when you do there's nothing else around to compare it to.  

I'm just saying expensive gear is absolutely ridiculous.  It's more of a head game I'm afraid. Some how if you have the money to spend, and a lot of people do, these individuals feel a lot better spending more money for something.  Now you own it, and while listening to it you will always be saying to yourself that thing cost $40,000 and somehow you'll enjoy it more.



This is a typical hi end audio discussion over outrageously priced equipment. And most of the folks discussing it won't even bother talking about their listening room setup. Count me out.

I suppose there is a price point beyond which any design can be built with a reasonable profit margin. What that is is not so clear.  Some designs can be surprisingly expensive when it comes to parts.  The input and output transformers on my amp are vintage parts that can cost $24,000 for a stereo set.  The 9 tubes can cost more than $16,000.  So, even without the chassis, power transformers, resistors, caps, chokes, etc., the parts alone are at the hypothetical excess level.  Is the amp worth it?  I think so, but such an evaluation is very specific to my taste and system matching.  For one thing the output is something like 5.5 wpc—it would not work at all with some speakers

invalid, I don't know what stereo amps you've been listening to and comparing to monoblocks, I've never heard any $20,000 stereo amp sound better than $40,000 monoblocks, sorry I don't know what price range you're listening to but no way will an equivalent price stereo ever sound better than two of the equivalently priced monoblocks, I'll give you an example I have a SIM audio w8 which is a world class stereo amplifier but when you put two of them together in mono it's not even in the same league for the stereo amp to go up against two of them, sorry bud you're wrong as usual. LOL