Take a look at this post on sound signature of amplifiers
ASR is like Audiogon. There is a wide range of opinions on Audiogon the same way there is a wide range of opinions on ASR. Amir pays for the website and offers his opinions. Other readers like me can provide my opinions too, and it’s not deleted or censored and can be put up to the front page too.
What makes ASR different is that opinions should be backed by something that is not purely subjective nor purely relying on the trust of the an expert opinion. Amir’s standard test set might not capture every last bit of potential for audio performance, but it is reliable and reproducible and FREE. Ground loops can be a real difference in home environments and there are times that I can get product A to perform just as well as product A in Amir’s lab, but product B in my home measures worse (and potentially sounds worse). This is where testing at home is important.
30 years ago, we said that it was impossible to measure certain things we can hear. The software and hardware has gotten better. We can measure differences.