Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ

My first concert in a while. Last was Sia. 

Roger has a message for his audience

that comes with the music. Somewhat off-putting

I must say. I went for music not politics. Not saying

I totally disagree with his. F-bombs galore. All our presidents

past and current are mass murderers. Could be a bit strong.

He is 79 and British.  Has some fun stories. I can live without

the other messages though. Is this messaging common nowadays?


I walked out of a U2 concert after the third song for same reason. I like the music and thought I was paying to hear and see a “music show” not a political lecture from a rich activist. I think this all stems from their marketing firms they hire. They convince them that they need to be controversial to remain relevant and attract new fringe fans. Doing right for people in an Anonymous way no longer happens. They need to have their ego stroked and praise heaped on them for the cause they pick. Truth be they have the money to help make the change but the want to project on to everyone else as they rake in millions and live a life style out of reach for all of us. This is the current time we live in where every “celebrity” is being marketed by activists and no longer let their music do the talking but use their status to talk down or at people instead of talking to them! I can even say that as much as I like their music I will no longer listen to or support them for who they have become! There is so much great music out there to enjoy without the bs and the lecture I have moved on from them to never look back!

Quite proud of how the local administration of my city, Krakow, handled this situation with Roger Waters. He was supposed to play here a couple of weeks ago, but he has been declared as "persona non grata", so he just cannot play anymore. People who bought the tickets preferred to trash them instead of hearing his bullshits about Russia, Putin and the ugly U.S.

At least in Poland you can't do that in this historical moment.

Thanks Poland.

I don’t think that anyone’s comments here are going to change a single poster’s mind on anything.

Even though we, as individuals, would like it to. No matter where we be coming from. That we all, individually, are trying to do our best, in what we feel is integrity and some semblance of humane thinking and caring, with the information we individually have, or think we have. The key bit. Think we have.

The longer a problem exists, the more fundamental the errors in the formulation of the question. And this problem has been standing for 30 years in it’s current form (1992), 70 years in it’s longer form (1945) and hundreds of years in it’s long tailed detailed form (1776, etc). It can take many paths, though, as it’s threads go all over the world and down multitudes of complex lines. A hundred books, nay, a thousand books could be written - and have been.

Each of us have to ask ourselves what mistakes we’ve made in the formulation of our questions and thus answers to what is in front of us, in this thread.

I have a VERY strong, well researched, well edujmacated opinion on all that is said here in this thread. And can debate anyone here nose to nose and not lose an inch of ground... I’d take yards and yards of ground. For days on end. (ego statement, or simple logic derived fact?) (foolish to say, as people are emotionally reactive?)

But... if no one is listening.. where many would just be angry and reactive and not be doing the the same, in egoless integrity (which is a tall order for anyone!) (ie, research, learn, grow, change) then I’d just get beaten to death by the illiteracy of the crowd. (perhaps we each feel the same)

So, sadly, it’s best to stay home and let the animal aspects of the projections of the given mind get out there and beat each other to death in the streets, as that is where they/we/you/me/us are headed, regardless if I spill my blood on/in it.

Those who are looking at this thread and not posting, tend to have an opinion that resembles that sort of thinking.

We (any of us here) want to share and maybe help and maybe move things forward, but how to address the aspects of people who are deep in their cups of self reinforcement and projection? Am I misinformed? Is it you? Is it all of us?

We’re now at the burning spear end of the illiterate thrusting of the purposely directed and misinformed masses in all areas and regions, and the intellectual debate in integrity and actual facts and true data will happen afterward, IF we can all manage to find one.

Sorry if this rambles for a bit, but I am very passionate about this subject.

I founded YOUniteUSA about 5 years ago. The initial goal was to identify, validate and celebrate our common links and connections. I developed the "Connections Pyramid" that looks something like this. From top to bottom (relative to group size) are: YOU, followed by "Heartstrings" (those we love) follow by "Shared Indulgences" (music, sports, cars, hobbies, wine, food, etc), then "Navigating Complexity" (going about our daily business while being in sync with others during our daily commute, Starbucks stop, etc) then, at the bottom (and largest group) "Everybody Else". I also formulated from this that our quality of life is dependant on those we’ll never see, or meet, and HALF those people have ideologies that are in direct oppostiion to our own. I also developed the inverted pyramid that (you guessed it) is upside down and illustrates where we put our attention -- mostly on US.

"Shared indulgences" includes live concerts. So, at 9:03PM the band/performer is introduced. At that point in time 100% of the audience is fully engaged, resonating as a group at the same frenquency. They all love the performer, and thrilled to share experience and energy with those who embrace the same passion for the genre, group, or solo entertainer as they do. They also hope that the performer shares thet same afinity for THEM as they do for the artist. Then, at 9:04 PM, the performer makes a statement that many in the group do not agree with. Let’s just estimate the group size at 20,000, then round this off to 1/2 of the group that didn’t appreciate the messaging. So, in a moment’s time, 10k people know the following: a) they don’t like the performer as much as they did a minute ago, b) the realize the performer doesn’t like them, c) they don’t like the person next to them who chanted approval of the message, and d) the person next to them thinks less of them because they "booed" the performer -- AND the message.

This is referred to as "disruptive marketing" whereby messages or actions are introduced without the consent of the participant in a way that they are unavoidable. These range from pop up ads, to the sticky notes on newspaper or magazine covers that we have to remove to get to the content we want. It’s a low level form of a ambush. Something we really don’t want/need thrust on us that disrupts the activity we are involved in. While no one gets physically hurt, the distraction from "the thing" can range from minor irritation to totally ruining an experience -- expecially those we were highly emotionally and financially vested in.

There’s another term I call "The Exodus of Authenticity." It seems that we are pulling away from things that are genuine and becoming more accustomed to substitutes for those things -- even virually representations of them. We’re also giving others permission to insert other agendas into "the thing", diluting the experience, sometimes to the degree where the other agenda dominates the experience. If we were out for a nice dinner, we wouldn’t be receptive of the server bringing out our meal accompanied by a 3-minute rant about their view of the world even IF it agreed with ours. If we disagreed with those points, we might have just handed the propriertor the death sentence for any future engagement. In other words, a dinner out IS a dinner out, Not a event where the experience is dimished by "others" attempts to impose their will on ours. The authenticity SHOULD remain intact. If the server persisted after being warned by their boss, they’d be repremanded, or even terminated for not following company guidelines.

Our society is held together by fine threads of cooperation and sanity. Like a suspension bridge, the support cables that keep them intact are made up of many smaller cables. If one small element of that cable is (intentionally) severed, it may takes centuries for catastrophic failure to occur. But, today we’re employing "Weapons of Mass Division" -- taking a laser cutter to mutiple strainds. Politicians who never stop campaigning top the list (followed by problems we don’t want solved). Those whose fame allows them to reach large audiences are a contributors to the Mass Division that I am referring to. Tens of thousands of smiling, wildly enthusiatic people who were "one" for a brief moment in time are insulted, rejected and turned against each other because a person, desperate for relevance, needs his/her voice to be heard. It is selfish, immature, bad for business, and destructive to a sane and loving society.

They get away with becuase they can. They have a buffer -- enough financial headroom to take risks and the resources to disqualify hafl their audience (and, former admirers). When they take the stage, they are "at work". They "punched they timeclock" and peforming their duties on stage as a professional entertainer. But what about the "average guy" on the street? Would they have the same freedom of expression? What about a gay man who works at Barnes and Noble who wanders over to the Christian book section to explain the customers that their interpretation of the Bible is misguided? Or, the Scientogist who delivers pizza who want’s to slip promotional materials into the pizza boxes he/she delievers. In both cases, customer objections would be dealt with immediately and termination would be emenent if they did not comply. They have neither fame, leverage, or the financial headroom to demand that their messages by heard -- at work. Celebrity has its privileges. Voicing opinions that alienate half their audience, and cause division, is one of them.

The combination of audience alienation and diliution of "the thing" we came to enjoy is two strikes against being politically active "at work". Sure, they can do personal interviews in their own time, and the viewer can opt in, or opt out of participating. Or, better yet, use artistic expression to convey those messages (For What It’s Worth, Ohio, etc) and let the open market decide the value (monetary, artistically and socially) of the work. It would bring people together. Not tear them apart.

Johnny Youniteus