Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?

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Remembering my first 'decent stereo', it was bought at a place in Montana called, 'LaBelles'. We really thought we had something there, and probably it was as good as anything in most places. Picked up a set of Wald speakers and a Marantz 1060 integrated amp. Think that I got a BSR 710X TT too.

@bigsecret - Wasn't there another stereo shop right next door? I think it was called Upscale Audio or some such. I bought a Sony 10-disc changer from Rogerssound for $725 in 1987 if memory serves. Still works today (with one laser replacement). You get what you pay for.

My family or college roommates always had stereo systems, but in my early twenties when I got my own place I was on my own. Got a Denon receiver and a Dual TT at Harvey's in New York City and a Nakamichi tape deck at Audio breakthroughs in Huntington on LI. I bought a pair of used Mirage speakers from a buddy and I was all set.

I started buying my audiophile gear at Sound by Singer by the mid 1980s.

My brother still uses that Denon receiver and it works and sounds great. Amazing stuff!

I had my first "OMG" experience visiting The Wiz in NYC when I head Mission Speakers. Bought them and then found out the tower speakers I bought had matching center channel, surrounds and sub. I didn’t even know you could have a home theater and immediately bought the entire system and never looked back. Top Gun was the first movie I watched on it and it was like being on the aircraft carrier, WOW! That step eventually led me here to Audiogon when I upgraded those speakers.

An all in one receiver TT and 8 track with speakers I cannot remember the brand , I cut grass to save for that thing, and could not have been more stoked to get it.

1977, I was 14. And I bought is at the Southern States Farm and Garden, I think it was in the aisle between the live baby chicks, and the wheel barrows. Rode my bike the next day to Penguin Feather records and got my copy street survivors, the stereo is gone, the record is stil around.