Cables to settle brightness

Any suggestions on a cable brand for interconnects and power cables to settle down some brightness?

I have Wireworld at the moment which I might send back.

As I move up the food chain in my system it is getting higher resolving but the treble has gotten a bit forward for me.

I added a PS Audio PowerPlant which is greatly improved the SQ, but now the treble is a little too much. Now it might settle down with burn in, but I’m not sure.

Any suggestions?




@carlsbad + 1 

Many Have been preaching that for many years, other than electronic equipment seems That has to Burn in Lol !
Have 123ale and enjoy your research.

Soo you want to use cables to place a band-aid on your sound. Interesting.

don't fix the brightness with cables....fix it by getting rid of the brightness in the system.

I used to have C2600 with DAC1. I upgraded to Moon 280D and it was significant. I also had MC 302 and Sonus Faber Olympics Nova Vs. I used Kimber Kabyle KCTG interconnects and bifocal XL speaker cables. 

I auditioned Kimber Kabyle 12TCs and I thought they were horrible because the higher frequencies were harsh to me. 

Hope this is constructive