Streamed music sounds awful in my system and I don't know why ....

cd's spun in a transport are so much more satisfying.  Streamed content lacks body, bass, and correct timbre.

DAC is the Moon 780 driven by Moon's transport with Audience Front Row loom. Streamed source originates  from Windows Media Player platform into the same DAC 780 via CAT 6 cable hardwired into a Spectrum router.

If I wanted to upgrade the streaming experience, where would I start ?

Rest of system -Shindo Giscours pre-amp, VAC Phi 300 amp, Purist speaker cables feeding Wilson Sophia 3's.

Thanks for any guidance.







I generally agree about dumping the PC, but you could try to add a program such as Audirvana that maximizes a computer to be a server by turning off non audio parts of the computer 

Post removed 

You need something like the Aurender N20.    I just picked up their N200 and its awesome 

If you are going with a dedicated streamer get one with room correction software built in like the NAD C658 (dirac) or the Paradigm PW Link (ARC). You can do things with room correction that you can not do with a preamp or a DAC. It will not do miracles in a bad room but in a decent or good room it is excellent.

@kota1 If you go with ROON or JRiver you can have the very best room correction in the world. That is software-based convolution filter that runs on the ROON (or JRvier) server. Only negative is that it only works for streaming, not turntables, tuners, or other analog pieces. This is where an audio gear-based DSP solution would work, though it would not be as powerful as the Convolution filter.

The Convolution filter is generated by using third party DSP software. The Convolution filter is built to a defined standard interface that ROON and JRiver speak. Analogous to the ROON RATT protocol for audio gear.