@goofyfoot I'd spend the $3600 you mentioned on streaming setup, amazing sound quality possible and library of music available nearly limitless. The most difficult thing is choosing which components to purchase within your budget.
Funny thing about streaming, budget constraints create more complications, marginal gains can be had with a myriad of add on components, things get simpler at higher end. Assuming one has nice dac, the server/streamer is absolutely critical to quality streaming. For off the shelf get something like Antipodes K series, Aurender, or other top of line and be done with it, none of these add on devices needed.
I've played with a number of these add on devices over the years, and while many have positive effects, none will come close to what top line streamer offers. While I've long considered dac most important component in streaming chain, I now consider streamer/server at least equal if not more important than dac.
Even if top line streamer out of budget, entirely satisfying streaming available right now, why wait years to experience quality streaming. Streams equaled my downloads some years ago, this with streaming setups in vicinity of $3600 budget you mentioned.