I'll echo the experience others have shared. This past week I decided to buy digital copies of a few of my favorite albums and had a chance to compare to the streaming versions (via Qobuz). Both had the sample bit and sample rates. My GF also listened and her impression was the same as mine.
I found that to my ears, there are slight differences but can't say if one is better than the other. The local copy had more detail, was slightly more analytical, bass was more nuanced, and overall sounded cleaner. The streamed version was a bit softer and 95% of the detail and clarity. Both have their place and on certain songs, the softer nature of the streaming version was preferable over local and vice versa.
Besides having local copies of select favorite albums, it's more so a compliment to streaming achieving a high level. The convenience factor, breadth of choice, and overall sound makes me not pine for local copies.