Best Recordable CD-R Media ???

I have an Alesis ML-9600 that was upgraded by Chris at Balanced Power Technologies. This is a phenomenal recorder, versatile, etc. I have used Apogee Gold CD recordable media recently. However, i am looking for some suggestions for other high caliber CD recordable media.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
Hi Jay, I think that Mitsui, also called MAM-A, an acronym, is considered to be among the best available. A google search will turn up vendors and discussions of the media.
I really like MAM-A (Mitsui) gold cd-r products. has a good supply of their products. Taiyo Yuden ( to my knowledge, the only cd-r manufactured in Japan now) also make very good products that consistently test as having very low error rates. A Google search will turn up numerous purveyors. It's also worth tesing a few black cd-r's to see what you think, they get get major props from some. I haven't found them to sound superior to gold cd-r's however.
In the photo industry, which is big on stable, reliable, large-capacity storage, Taiyo Yuden are considered among the best out there. Their lamination process is visibly superior to most. They make great DVD media as well. I don't know how they compare to others when it comes to audio, but in terms of reliability and longevity they are certainly among the best. I get mine from these guys.

It is really a function of your drive. Is it a Sony
cdrw or LiteOn or whatever .... Each of these has it's
own set of preferred media. Check some of the sites which
test these drives and see how they performed with different
media types.