I came across Ron's early New Record Day videos many years ago, and found myself wondering: Does this guy not know that all his proclamations (made with a very self-congratulatory tone) are already well known to others? That his "new" discovery is one made by everyone on their audiophile journey, and that he has barely "rounded first base"? How 'bout a little humility?
Every new loudspeaker he auditions is the best he's ever heard. And then the next one is. He appears to believe that his every declaration is evidence of a newly-discovered (by himself, of course) truth, previously unknown to anyone else. As others have said, he sure gives off an air of self-satisfaction. It's embarrassing.
At the hi-fi show in SoCal in 2014 (I think it was) I found myself in an elevator with Ron. When spoken too, he made no eye contact. I couldn't tell if that was evidence of deep insecurity, or of smug arrogance. Either way, it's unattractive.
I like the help he has provided Danny Richie in the latter's GR Research videos, but in the videos in which they both appear Ron acts as if he and Danny are peers. Talk about a lack of self-knowledge!