1992 Stereophile on speaker placement should be required reading



Tone controls, good ones, are the highest value/dollar feature of any stereo. Not all are perfectly transparent but we are much better off now than we were decades ago. That audiophiles consistently ignore them and instead pick the most exotic and expensive, low return solutions instead drives me a little bonkers.

So many will swap out speakers and cables forever instead of turning the treble up/down a notch.  😁


My comment about not understanding using 8wpc tube amps is all about listening at ’normal’ or nearly concert level volumes in main systems/larger rooms.

i.e. I use Luxman 10 wpc to drive AR-2ax, sensitivity 91 in my small office. Luxman says 10wpc is conservative, and I get ’normal’ volume, certainly not concert level with them.

I heard a friends 8 wpc in my main system. He plays it in his smaller space, closer to the speakers at lower volumes in his space. sounded very nice with my very efficient horns, but occasionally on very familiar music, sounded ’thinner’ than I remember my 30 wpc, and current 45 wpc.

His amp is in for repair, I loaned him my Fisher 500C, around 30-35 wpc using 7591’s. He is enjoying listening at more ’realistic’ volumes, perhaps he will move up in power someday.

@erik_squires @elliottbnewcombjr  Agree, yes this should be required reading and tonal controls can help in a large acoustically challenged room.  I have a Tube integrated that has tone controls and do use them often, I also have a small listening room that is treated. 

I've yapped before about the benefits of a balance control, and the true advantage of remote balance for certain tracks that benefit a lot from a small tweak of balance.

Also, a weak tube, a less than great connection: you can use balance to continue to listen, and get to/find/correct the problem's source at a later time.

The old jacks on my vintage McIntosh mx110z Tube tuner/preamp turned out to be random culprits. Solved when Audio Classics replaced all the jacks with new gold plated ones.

Radiation patterns and how the design interacts with boundaries dictate placement it's not one-way or the highway.