Wow, that is the fast track. You have a couple beautiful systems. When your component search ends, you have tremendous opportunities in detailed adjustments… wire, room treatments, vibration control… etc.
I finished my last upgrade about two years ago and after acquainting myself with what my system sounded like (a good solid 500 hours after breakin) I slowly started optimizing one thing at a time. Although I have nearly fifty years of experience at this, I still surprised myself. Absolutely every parameter I adjusted resulted in an improvement.
While the system does not have a vastly different character, virtually every aspect of the sound has improved. I really spent my time very carefully choosing or adjusting each. Here is a list of stuff that contributed:
Speaker location
Speaker toe in
Moved equipment from between speakers
Wall treatments
Bolsters at the wall floor
Added another direct line for the amp
power cords
ethernet connections
Vibration control
careful cable and wire routing
So, I’m guessing you have tremendous opportunities for achieving even greater sound. Great equipment like yours is capable of amazing feats.