CD player suggestions...

I'm in the market for a new CD player in the $600  - $800 range. Suggestions?


If you can stretch your budget a bit, I would suggest Rega Apollo. Looks like music direct has a sale on them for $995. 

New or used? I got an Apollo R for $650 used.


  There is an original Rega Apollo for sale here aGon. 3 days left. It's in your budget. I owned one of these also and really liked the analogue sound that it put out. The Rega Apollo R that I owned didn't have as much of that quality in my system.

Do you have, or intend to have SACDs? 

Also consider, most DVD and Bluray players play CDs.

One issue, does it play copies as well as original cds?

Look at the Emotiva ERC-4, built like a tank, $600 and has an digital input to the DAC


sounds pretty nice for the price