Anyone heard new Zu Union 6?

The new Zu union 6 has been out a month or so now. Anyone heard a pair yet?


How would you say the midrange is on the Zu's?  Is it more neutral or does it have a nice lush textured sound?  How to strings sound with them?

Hi @jwglista It's always hard to explain, but I'd put it between neutral and lush. in my system I feel the midrange is the most natural/live of any of my recent speakers. Female vocals are eery and can hear breathing, raspiness (if it exist in the voice). 

I'll have to do some testing with strings, and I don't listen to classical and haven't paid much attention specifically to strings.

Reading through kray's Union6  experience with interest. I have the Omen Defs and have similar experiences regarding how sensitive they are to equipment and wire changes. To me it has been well worth the experimentation to find the perfect symmetry.I went from Harbeths to ZUs and now am seriously addicted to the big live sound.Don't want to hijack the thread, but one thing to think about is that it took forever to to find the exact positioning,which ended up being totally different than any other speakers ever.One of them is actually toed out slightly. Bizarre.I'll continue to read y'alls experiences and be quiet now :-)

@jtcf i had Harbeth C7ES a while back and totally agree. The big live sound is great. 


Great looking setup and I am sure it sounds great. I like clean and simple, in setup and components. Thank you again for your time and input on these speakers! Have fun!