A Question About Time Alignment

I was reading a review of the Wilson Alex V on Stereophile recently. (Published just in time. I’m thinking about picking up a pair. Maybe a couple for the bedroom, too.) And it raised a long-standing question of mine, one that I hope the wiser minds on this site can answer. 

Wilson’s big selling point is aligning the different frequencies so they all reach your ear simultaneously. As I understand it, that’s why they have minute adjustments among the various drivers. The woofers put out bass notes that move slowly thanks to their long sound waves while the tweeters are playing faster moving, high frequency notes with short waves. Wilson lets you make adjustments so that they all arrive at the ear at once. 

It seems to me, however, that live music isn’t time aligned. Suppose I’m playing the piano and you’re sitting across the room. When I stretch out my left hand to hit the low notes, those notes travel along the same long, slow wavelengths as the notes from Wilson’s woofers. Similarly, the treble notes I play with my right hand move quickly through the short wavelengths. The notes from the piano are naturally out of alignment. If Wilson’s goal is to achieve a lifelike sound, aligning the frequencies doesn’t seem like the way to do it. 

Wilson has been selling lots of zillion dollar speakers for lots of years and people continue to gobble ‘em up. Something must be wrong with my line of reasoning. Would someone please point out where I’ve gone wrong? Nicely?


Time delay is something that your brain uses to locate sounds in space. We are extremely sensitive to it. We can perceive fractions of a second. The reason we know that a sound comes from right center is because our ears and brain are sensitive enough to detect the difference in the timing of the sound hitting our right ear and then traveling across our face to our left ear. If time alignment didn’t matter than we couldn’t locate sound in space. The reason we aren’t completely fooled that we are listening to a live performance is because our left ears are picking up what the right speaker is playing and the right ear is picking up what the left speaker is playing. That is why highly directional speakers can often make a spooky 3-D image if set up and corrected properly but that sweet spot is extremely small (like move your head fractions of an inch small). That is why time alignment and room correction are both important to mitigate room nulls to get the best image possible. There is a ton of disinformation here and I spent years sifting through the chaff to create a system based on factual measurable scientific results. If anyone is struggling to figure out why things just don’t quite sound right the answer is probably in this realm and it is often overlooked because time alignment and room correction are perceived as difficult to do and frankly not many people have heard a system set up correctly employing these techniques. This forum is about sharing ideas. People put great weight into small physical changes in their systems. It would behoove them to respect the power time alignment and room correction can truly make as well. Perhaps a user will find this insightful, easy to understand, and seek to better their system because of it. That’s why I’m still posting from time to time even if I get trolled by someone who doesn’t believe in science. 





@hifidream You should read up on Head Related Transfer Function research.  It's a lot more than timing.

Having said that, I've heard speakers with great, near perfect impulse responses and they did not by themselves move me.

Hi Eric,

    Yes I’ve based my system on the principles of Edgar Choueiri. The missing piece to my system is his BACCH 3D sound implementation. I didn’t get into all that for the sake of simplicity. Just because a system is set up correctly doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the sound of the speakers, you are at least listening to them at their best. His work in this field is profound. I am wrapping up paying for my daughter’s wedding and then I’ll be saving for the BACCH 3D package to run on my Mac Mini, I can’t wait!






My creation, the "Mermans" use a JBL 18" (2241H), a JBL ~10" (2251J) and Heil AMT.  Each is separate and I time align the drivers to my seating position by physically moving the three cabinets relative to each other.  I use a Behringer 61-band RTA to set the drivers for the smoothest transition in the crossover region.


The result is that, in addition to the sound being its "smoothest," the imaging is greatly improved.  BTW, in this pic, the 10" cabinets are a bit too far forward.



Hello Everyone,  Since Kenjit mentioned me, I thought that I'd clarify his comments:

I often get a pm from others asking for help and EVERYTIME until Kenji I have helped others.  Kenji contacted me asking for help with his speaker design.  While asking for my help,  He quoted designers, telling me "how it is and how I must design his speaker"...He was convinced that only Linkwitz Riley design could achieve a proper summed response.  I explained that in his case,  I would not be using Linkwitz Riley base design, but in the end would end up with Linkwitz Riley Alignment.  He argued until, I said forget it, do your own.... I had designed a near perfect anachoic flat response and told him that we needed a starting point and a flat response is it.... He accused me of not listening to him and didn't understand that a flat response is the starting point and we could tune from there. He had not at that point did he reveal what type of customization that he wanted .. I asked and found that he wanted a very specific frequency curve.. I did some basic work and again sent him info of how to achieve the frequency curve that he was trying to produce. He then proceeded to tell me that he has been burnt before from someone else and really had no trust for anything that I would do, but wanted me to dive in deep to prove to him that I could achieve a very specific frequency curve that he wanted to achieve. .... What he wanted was not crazy difficult.  I actually did the basic design, but still needed FRD and IMP to give him completely accurate info. He told me again that because of his history and mistrust for me that he may not ever even build what I sent him because crossovers can be expensive. I told him that he had no trust for me,  no respect for my time and no trust.  I would not move forward..... I told him to provide me frd and imp files and I would consider knocking this out for him... He did not send them and I was not going to waste any more time on Kenji.  

Now you see his response to me in this thread.   

Have fun with Kenjit.....

Phase really is time, if drivers are out of phase with each other, frequencies are leaving the drivers at different times, thus effecting time alignment.  I hope this all makes sense and helps in some way.  Tim

No you are just confusing the issue even more. Phase and time are two different things. time cohesion implies phase cohesion but not vice versa. So not equivalent at all. Time coherence between two drivers is about aligning the start of the waves coming out of each driver. You can have phase aligned yet time non aligned. 

Phase and time in speakers is very related, that is why I said in a sense... If you are out of phase, normal time alignment procedures will not time align. 

On speaker design what we align is the portion of each driver where the sound is emitted, which is normally, aligning the front of each voice coil.  This allows all drivers sound to reach the ear at the same time. .... drivers can be staggered or sloped.   

This is also nonsense. 90%  of speakers are not sloped or staggered and nobody is complaining. Time alignement has never been proven to be beneficial let alone audible it is only for marketing. 

It isn't nonsense at all.... I've never said that you cannot have a musically satisfying speaker without absolute time alignment... I was only commenting on how to achieve the objective being discussed, by the way, it is beneficial and audible.  

I am very disappointed in you Tim. Was waiting for your custom tuned circuits and they never materialized.

Actually Kenji,  the disappointment is mine.  You have disrespected me at every turn while asking for my help.... It doesn't sit well to have a Master Speaker tuner and Master Audiophile that is so uncapable of doing his own work to come to me with no humbleness and then post this publicly.... 

~Master Kenjit, speaker tuner and master audiophile.