Anyone Still Using Zerodust

Haven’t heard anything since the original scare, but I stopped using it. I think I never had a problem because I always swipe with LP#9 between sides, as per Brooks Berdan’s advice. One recent video said Wally discovered some type of oil on the ZD. I regularly cleaned mine with dishwashing liquid, which could have removed any residue. 


Yes, I’ve been using the ONZOW ZeroDust for 15+ years and will continue.

It’s a great product when used as intended and very economical in the long run with periodic cleaning.

After reading the article I looked at my cantilever using a high powered magnifying glass , I saw what looked like dust on it but it wouldn't brush off .

It came off using a sponge tipped q-tip and 99% alcohol with a lot of careful rubbing.  I stopped using the ZeroDust and started using BlueTack .

There was a discussion about damaging one's cantilever , in my case coming close many times but it did get me thinking and I came to the same conclusion that @larryi came to .  I started to worry about the suction pulling down on the glued on stylist of my SoundSmith Carmen cartridge .  I have stopped using the BlueTack and now only use a Discwasher Carbon brush and the SoundSmith brush that came with the cartridge .     

It’s not a good cleaner, but not for the reasons speculated. It’s not dangerous. It’s just not very effective at keeping a stylus clean over time, certainly not effective at clearing away any hardened or bonded crud, and completely useless at cleaning the cantilever & other bits of a cartridge. I have 2 sitting in a drawer, plus a DS Audio gel that has seen VERY little use and probably won’t again.

Use Magic Eraser (lots of application techniques on that one - I use a more "bold" approach than most) and a dry brush. Clean your cantilevers and front yoke/pole too. Liquid cleaners are OK if you like them.

I've been using Magic Eraser & dry brush for years, ever since @dougdeacon and others explain@bkeske and some other friends are fans of Blutak, including a Soundsmith employee.

@mulveling any opinion/concern regarding comments like "Magic eraser is an abrasive so I wouldn't go near a diamond stylus with it." 

I THINK Magic Eraser is doing its job well, but I don't have a USB microscope etc. and can't confirm that no abrasive damage is being done. Cheers,


"Magic eraser is an abrasive so I wouldn't go near a diamond stylus with it." 

True, but the action of simply dipping isn't enough to damage a diamond surface.