Integrated for Streaming

I’m looking to upgrade my digital streaming system in my living room. I currently have a Yamaha A-S2100 integrated. The As2100 sounds very nice, but maybe lacking some depth. It really looks great as a centerpiece . I like the classic silver look with the VU meters. A new integrated would have to be a kind of a center piece as well, with any other gear stored out of site.

I’m using a Bluesound Vault2 into a Schitt Yggdrasil, both are 5+ years and no upgrades.. Toslink between the Vault and Yiggi, Balanced from Yiggi to AS2100, simple #10 stranded X 6’ speaker cables. The speakers are Sonus Faber Electa Amator III, and they are staying in the system.

I am just looking to stream with this system, no CD or phono. I use Roon, Tidal, Spotify. I don’t need MQA. But I need a remote, and a good app (Roon). And, I want fill my room with the best sound I can.

One thought is to keep the Bluesound and Yiggi and upgrade to a better integrated, used Luxman L509X, Accuphase, a used VAC Sigma could drive the Sonus Fabers with 85 watts. Most other tube integrated amps may not have enough watts to do the job (Decware, Shindo..) Gryphon 120, Mola Kula, Constellation 1.0 would be nice, but too pricey, even used. I have had Pass, Rogue and Parasound, all very good, but looking for something different.

The other thought is to go with an all in one component like the Ayre EX8, Naim Unity Atom, or Cambridge Audio Evo 150. I like the idea of one component doing everything, less cables and clutter, and less expensive than the above options. But can these Class D integrated amps sound "amazing" ?




@curiousjim I do have an NAS that holds Flac Files of all my CD's. The Node does have some upgrades over the Vault, including a better DAC. I have been streaming with the Vault into an external Schiit Yggdrasil DAC, which inputs to the Yamaha AS2100. I have played around with the Vault DAC, Yggdrasil, and a Codex DAC. 

But, I'm looking for an upgrade that makes the biggest difference in sound quality, whether it be combining the streamer, DAC and Amp into one component. IE Naim, Ayre, Cambridge Audio etc, OR continue to use my current streamer/DAC and go big with a new Integrated. Yamaha, Luxman, Mark Levinson, Accuphase etc

I’ve read your post several times, and I think your biggest upgrade could come from replacing the Vault with an Innuos Zen Mk3.  I’ve learned in my own evolving streaming system that streamers can make a huge difference and I honestly think the Vault the biggest bottleneck in your system by far.  The biggest limitation is your requirement that the integrated needs to be a showpiece, which greatly narrows your options and otherwise I’d be recommending a Hegel integrated that’d do everything you’re looking for minus the looks.  Anyway, I’d absolutely start with the streamer, FWIW. 

OP, does your room have a flat frequency response? Can you post any measurements you have taken? If you don’t know find out before buying anything because you may want to address that first.


Moon by Simaudio ACE. But it is A/B. NAD M10 or the Cambridge Evo series.