Silver Speaker Cables

I would like to try silver speaker cables. I have always been curious as to how they would affect the sound of my system. That said, I have a very limited budget. Is there such a thing as low priced silver cables? If so, recommendations?

Thanks all!


Since the install, the sound excelled just like everyone (except naysayers) said it would here in this thread. ...... the soundstage, air, clarity, etc. all were upgraded.

I am assuming you were able to identify the improvements in a double blind test? If so, do you have a certification to show from a third party independent panel that observed and certified the test procedures & results? If not blind test, how do you know the improvement is just in your mind, placebo, hallucination, confirmation bias etc.?


Just kidding 😂🤣


Enjoy! and as they say, good things come to those who dare (read: "try")


I believe Lak and Charles, both are matured and experienced audiophile, I wonder how their master ic will sound compare to Kimber silver streak?


Thanks for your kind comment. I would like to clarify however. In my system I have the Lavricables Grand power cable (3) and 1 Master power cable. I do not have any of their interconnect cables.



I'd also like to say thanks for your kind comment, starts my morning off on a really positive note ;-)

I own the Grand Lavricables; RCA & XLR interconnects, power cords, speaker cables, and speaker jumpers. I just ordered a third Grand power cord and I'm a happy customer.

I've had the Lavri Grand RCA ICs in my system for nearly 2 weeks. (probably around 100hrs on them so far. They've changed in the last couple of days, they're staring to open up a bit, more back to front depth; the HFs seem a little enthusiastic at the moment though, but hoping this will settle down as they get more playtime. They've replaced a pair of Inakustik NF-204 RCA ICs which I liked, but I maybe a silver cables convert after this, and will try more LavriCables

As an aside, ridiculously fast shipping from Lavri by the way; ordered Friday night time; they were in my hand on the following Tuesday afternoon (UK) 👍