Anyone who owns a Technics SU-R1000, can you answer a quick question

I’ve been getting familiar with the new SU-R1000 for the past couple of weeks and I’m thrilled with it so far. Selling all my other gear, sounds amazing, couldn’t be happier and all that jazz.

But I am wondering if anyone here who owns one can answer a question about the phono preamp noise floor?

Stereophile measurements appear to be impeccable, but I hear a definite noise floor in the phono pre, even when the source is turned off. It is a hiss that is inaudible until the unit is turned up much beyond 40 on the volume knob.

I have swapped out my Pure Fidelity table with my Technics SL-1200, optimized both cartridges, and both have the sound. When the amp is muted it mutes the sound.

It is not audible on any of the other inputs.

So if anyone else has this preamp - could it be mine has a defective phono pre input, or is it just a higher noise floor?


The question that remains unanswered is when you are listening to the RCA input phono section “hiss” is the amp set for a MM cartridge input or the increased amplification factor of a MC cartridge.  I do not find the actual amplification in the R1000 specifications.  Many MC phono amplifiers with 60db to 72db amplification factors can have a more present noise floor when no signal is being put through them.  It could also be present with the MM setting which is usually around a 40db amplification but probably not as present as when MC is selected.  

Definitely a gain issue what's the output of your cartridge? And does the Technics have adjustable gain settings for phono?

Thanks, the SU-R1000 has an “Intelligent Phono EQ” which calibrates the gain, phase, and cartridge optimizer which is supposed to set the proper impedance based on the calibration. So in using that feature, there is no manual entering of gain or impedance settings, it is all optimized for you. My cartridge is a Pure Fidelity Stratos which is a LOMC cart, but the audible noise floor is there when the phono DSP is engaged or not.