Do I need a streamer?

Streaming devices, with or without an internal DAC, seem to be very popular these days, so I am wondering if I am missing out on something.  I have Audirvana on my iMac that streams Tidal and music from my 8 TB external HD.  My iMac resides next to my audio rack and I connect my iMac via an optical cable (Fibbr) to my Aqua LaVoce DAC.  It seems to me that my iMac and external HD take the place of a streaming device.  Am I missing out on something other than convenience?  My external HD was a few hundred bucks and streamers a whole lot more.  The sound of my system is fantastic. 



Fibbr is nice brand in fibre optical cable. 

if not getting streamer, you can upgrade a RECLOCK to enhance the signal quality from your Mac. check this little reclecker with psu boost : iFi SPDIF iPurifier2. this is also an option of enhancing the sound quality instead of replace by a streamer. 

I'd suggest what many have said, dump the computer and go with a dedicated streamer.

If not then you could use a DDC to reclock the data, then output to your DAC. I use a $500 Denafrips Iris DDC, but I'm using a Bluesound Node 130 and just streaming.....not attaching storage like you have. The Iris isolates the USB input both galvanically and optically, and reclocks it with a high quality TCXO crystal.

If you have an interest, check with Alvin Chee at Vinshine Audio.....he'll steer you in the right direction.

Yes you are.  A $300 streamer (IFI or Allo) will be a big upgrade to your computer.  After that, return on your $ is limited although I ended up spending the money for an Innous Zenith MK3 and love it.  


if one is streaming using a standard computer then a streamer is not needed per se, but one might well sound noticeably better -- but really no way to know without trying it yourself

here are three quite well respected, very good performing, cost effective streamers, you can buy them try them and if no improvement over your imac, just resell at no or minimal loss

of course there are ifi usb purifiers available used too, can try that as well