Solid state to tube

I have been a solid state guy since my start in this hobby. Over the years I have built a few systems and have used mainly older YBA seperates pre and power for my front end.

I also have a pair of musetex MT101 mono blocks from Meitner audio which I use as well.

My speakers are reference 3a lintegre

I am thinking of moving to a all tube system 

. However I have little experience

I have looked at Quick Silver and a small boutique builder called Will Vincent. Have not heard anything yet. I thought I might inquire here first for any suggestions from tube savvy members


The biggest, and I think consistent difference between good quality solid state and tube amplification is in slam. To me, after decades with high current solid state amplification, appreciated slam… which tends to be much greater in solid state. The midrange tends to be a tad leaner and the bass transients really fast… this gives the characteristic slap of fast bass. But, I have never heard this in live performance… amplified or acoustical. High quality tubed amplification tends to have a more fully fleshed out midrange and upper bass and the bass is finely nuanced… but the transient rise is slower… which is actually what I hear in live venues.

I get why one would like either… but the moment I heard the later (tubed)… the former was out the door for me. Did I loose something? Yes… but for me, what I gained was many times greater than what I lost.


I tried tubes and went back to SS

The OP could end up doing the same thing, who knows?

Each and everyone of us will have our own specific experiences. For me it was pretty simple, tubes were more natural sounding and authentic to my ears.

For some listeners they won’t be. I applaud the OP for giving tubes a try. We’ll see what happens. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


I have tube and solid state amps and a tube preamp. My amps are quicksilver and they're wonderful.

I really enjoy the full tube sound, but the Pass XA25 coupled with my 6sn7 preamp is pretty magical. I don't find tubes to be a big hassle.

To me, after decades with high current solid state amplification, appreciated slam… which tends to be much greater in solid state. The midrange tends to be a tad leaner and the bass transients really fast… this gives the characteristic slap of fast bass. But, I have never heard this in live performance… amplified or acoustical. High quality tubed amplification tends to have a more fully fleshed out midrange and upper bass and the bass is finely nuanced… but the transient rise is slower… which is actually what I hear in live venues.

We either drink the same water or hang out at the same live un-amplified music venues.😊. This has been my observation for many years listening to acoustic double bass and cello. All acoustic instruments in actuality when heard in a natural environment.


Difficult to go past ARC if it's in your budget. Otherwise Belles, Dehavilland, Cary or Aesthetix come in cheaper. I have an Aesthetix Calypso pre into an EAR 534 amp a combination which works well with my ML electrostatics. The sound is tube but not as rolled off as say early Conrad Johnson gear.