Considering Nagra Tube Dac with Power Supply or MSB Reference ?

Does anyone have any experience with the Nagra Classic Tube Dac and the Power Supply or MSB Reference Dac?

I demoed the MSB Reference Dac in home and loved it and have also heard good things about the Nagra. Looking for feedback if anyone has experience with both. 

Key Components in system are Audio Research Ref6SE preamp and Ref160S amplifier.  All cabling is Transparent Reference.  Speakers are Wilson Alexia with 2 S812 REL subs.  

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwoots

IMHO expensive DACS are a supreme waste of money. Look at commercial studio units. Their performance is just as good and the prices far more reasonable. They may not look as flashy but it is not about looks. A combination ADC/DAC is extremely advantageous as you can record albums to your hard drive like a friend's rare 45 RPM Led Zeppelin set.  

I'd suggest posting this over on What's Best Forum you'll get some real responses.



He will get more helpful feedback and insightful owner/user feedback.
