Streamer Recommendation.

Budget 7000US$.  (+/-)

System: Amplification: Luxman L 509X.  Speakers: Joseph Audio Perspective.  DAC:  PS Audio Perfect Wave.  CD/SACD PS Audio Perfect Wave.  Streamer:  BlueSound Node 2.I

I am limited to WiFi, due to my router location.   I would like a high quality streamer without DAC that will provide a noticeable improvement over the entry level Node.

Any assistance would be very helpful.




Would also suggest looking at the ultra Rendu or optical Rendu from small green computer.  I have an ultra Rendu connected to my Denafrips Pontus II DAC and the combination is magical.

I bought an Aurlic Aries G2 for this reason. However, then found out that a wall wart wifi extender eliminated the problem. I switched to Aurender, having better sound quality and less hassle. My conclusion after working on streaming in one form or another for over ten years is that Aurender produces the best streamers and that the wifi connection doesn’t matter with a great streamer. For your budget you can get a great Aurender streamer.

Currently I own two Aurender streamers, a N100 and W20SE. Both run from wall wart Net gear WiFi extenders. I know of a number of +$150K systems running this way. Do not let having WiFi available in your streamer influence your decision. You can see my systems under my user ID. My streaming quality equals that of my vinyl.

OP has made no mention of wanting to rip and store but getting all kind of recommendations for it.  🙄.


+1 on the SGC and Rendu if Roon is something of interest. 

Having been in a similar situation and in the position to borrow several DACless  streamers from friends and stores including Moon, Naim, Aurelic, Rendu, Lumin, Stack and Lindemann. I found little to choose between them re sound quality.  Of them all I preferred the Stack, with the best balance in my system of detail, soundstage and presence. It was however a disaster to setup and or update, if a Mac user just don't bother. Eventually I bought the Lindemann Limetree Bridge, which via my Denafrips Ares II sounds beautiful.