Streamer Recommendation.

Budget 7000US$.  (+/-)

System: Amplification: Luxman L 509X.  Speakers: Joseph Audio Perspective.  DAC:  PS Audio Perfect Wave.  CD/SACD PS Audio Perfect Wave.  Streamer:  BlueSound Node 2.I

I am limited to WiFi, due to my router location.   I would like a high quality streamer without DAC that will provide a noticeable improvement over the entry level Node.

Any assistance would be very helpful.




Having been in a similar situation and in the position to borrow several DACless  streamers from friends and stores including Moon, Naim, Aurelic, Rendu, Lumin, Stack and Lindemann. I found little to choose between them re sound quality.  Of them all I preferred the Stack, with the best balance in my system of detail, soundstage and presence. It was however a disaster to setup and or update, if a Mac user just don't bother. Eventually I bought the Lindemann Limetree Bridge, which via my Denafrips Ares II sounds beautiful. 

There is a new set of Innuos streamers about to be launched. With your budget I’d look at the Pulsar which includes a USB reclocker and decrapifier. InnuOS Sense App is superb.

I can strongly recommend an Auralic product. I just took possession of an Altair G1 and am very impressed with its overall performance. I think the Vega G2.1 would be a great fit for your system. 

+1 @hilde45 , that’s why I’d stick to a bluos node….modify it and your network from there with a linear power supply and fiber at the nodes connection. I also agree with @blisshifi on a orbit mesh system. Best you can get right now. Good luck.