Solid state to tube

I have been a solid state guy since my start in this hobby. Over the years I have built a few systems and have used mainly older YBA seperates pre and power for my front end.

I also have a pair of musetex MT101 mono blocks from Meitner audio which I use as well.

My speakers are reference 3a lintegre

I am thinking of moving to a all tube system 

. However I have little experience

I have looked at Quick Silver and a small boutique builder called Will Vincent. Have not heard anything yet. I thought I might inquire here first for any suggestions from tube savvy members


Totaldac is d1 core which is their entry level so no tube output stage. I see on totacdacs website that he connects dac direct to amp 


My current pre amp

Is the YBA Signature series


I agree with you. I switched my SS pre amp to a tube one, and I love the result. In my system I get the lush, smooth tube sound, with the power and control of SS amps.

Hi winoguy. Interested th know what tube pre you settled with and what is your amplification?

What did you swap out the tube pre from

What was the most noticeable difference ss pre to tube pre?


@ecpninja, Reading there is no tube in your totaldac, and your plan to keep using your ss amplifer, seems to me you are in an ideal situation for a really good tube preamplifier if you want this type of sound.  What @yyman23 describes above was my experience too when I paired my own tube preamps with my former SS amps. 

You could try this for a good while and decide later if you still want to add tube amp(s) to your system.  May not be necessary, you might like this setup a lot.