Best sounding CD player

I am interested in knowing what there think is the best sounding CD player . Some of my favorites are AMR cd-77, Cary 306sacd


let me know what your thoughts are including how the player sounds 



 Do you have a budget limit, and are you still considering a one box CD player? 

The Sparkler s515 I mentioned  is a two box set up, power supply in one box cd player in the other. About 2k

Nagra CD player. Separate transport and DAC which share a power supply. Musical and involving. The sound of analog.

The Nagra transport made Burl DAC sound better compared to using Oppo as transport.

DAC in the Nagra CD player as good as Nagra HDX cuz hitting the limit of what 16 bits can do.

* Ditch the power supply that comes with the transport for the Nagra MPS that comes with the DAC.

Pitily Nagra no longer makes this CD player.

Hi res streaming sounds better than CD but what if internet goes down? Also Qobuz has never made a recommendation that I like. It is gr8 to have that vast selection at yr fingertip.


I have moved on from CDP to CDT + DAC.

I have many of the above in my home system but have heard intentionally made the time to receive demonstrations of many of the Brands on offer in use in other systems throughout the past decade or more. 

In the past year an EAR Acute CDP that I can receive demonstrations in use regularly, on a system I am familiar with has proved to be an exceptional CDP.  

The Nuprime CDP-9 (w/LPS 212 Linear power supply) is the best CD playback I've ever had; fantastic CD player for the money-

