Does an Audioquest Niagra 1200 limit amplifier dynamics?

Hi, I have a Belles 150A Reference amp driving Vandersteen 2E sig speakers, which I don't play loud at all.  I currently have everything else plugged into a Shunyata Hydra 6, but felt it limited the amp's dynamics, so it's plugged directly into the dedicated line outlet.  Would an Audioquest Niagra 1200 do better? 


Mine doesn't. Everything just got cleaner and more relaxed sounding. I live in an old apartment so I compete with the draw among 30 tenants and the Niagara made that magical night listening into an all day affair.

All the best,

For me, this question is always confounded by the fundamental question, "How noisy is my electrical line to begin with?"

The audiophile hobby is full of solutions -- some of the solutions address big, audible problems, some solve smaller problems, and some solve non-problems.

Unless I know whether I have a genuine problem, any solution proposed may do more harm than good. It's a matter of know the underlying situation.

So, to my mind, your question is more accurately rendered as,

"How can I estimate or measure the factors in my electrical setup that are either causing audible problems or impeding audible improvements -- if any?"

look at isotek far better sounding then aq



hilde we have tested many power conditioners we use dedicated lines and a good conditioner has produced audible improvements over wall power


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

isotek audio Magic and audience dealers

Another fine power condition is the Puritan PSM 156 and Core Power Tecnology.  I have both and they are excellent.