This is a question, I’m presently having a problem with.
For the last three years, I’ve really enjoyed using a tube pre (Audio Hungary) with a tube amplifier (PrimaLuna) with my Sonus Faber (Sonetto lll) speakers. I love this combination as Sonus Faber speakers seems to “love” tubes and this combo has great synergy in my room. I recently got curious and wanted to try a ss amp. I just purchased a Bryston 2.5 cubed amp (for small 14’ x 12’ x 8’ room) I can’t quite wrap my head around this amp. For example, I have two or three go-to female vocalist tracks (one is- Sam Brown’s solo on PF’s live (“The Great Gig in the Sky”) that literally gives me goosebumps or makes the hair on my arms stand up every time I play it, with the tube amp. I’ve yet to experience the “hair on my arms stand-up” playing this track on the Bryston ss amp? Thoughts?