The finer the stylus tip is, the harder it is to ’see’ with the naked eye, so I start with a magnified mirror below the stylus. Curved makeup mirrows, I have a light coming in from the side and lift/rotate the mirror to get a great view of all surfaces.
$6. MAGNIFYING MIRROR to VIEW STYLUS (two). 3-1/2” DIAMETER, One: 10X; One 20x + 2 tweezers
Next: brush? Gel? Fluid? Nothing, all is well.
I apply fluid as a standard precaution every twenty plays or so, cleaning the cantilever as well as the stylus, some fuzz might have clung to the bottom of the cartridge body. Always back to front, never side to side, never front to back.
Inexpensive glued on stylus tips: the fluid might soften/dissolve the glue, then not too often, and use a brush right after the fluid to minimize the fluid on the glue.