Liquid Stylus Cleaners

I know that some of the cartridge makers, including Soundsmith, say not to use liquids and many of you don’t. From a manufacturer’s standpoint, I can definitely understand why - god only knows what some of us dopes (including myself) will be swabbing on there. I have used LP#9 after every side since 2005 when I returned to vinyl, and never had a problem. And I haven’t been surgically careful either. I do use a lighted magnifier to see what I’m doing, but I’ve brushed crap off the cantilever and never had anything migrate into the cartridge or experienced any of these horror stories I hear. So IMO at least, these warnings about liquids are somewhat exaggerated. Do you use them?



I use Nagaoka 801 liquid stylus cleaner after playing a side. Also use Stylast before playing  a side. No problems noted!

The finer the stylus tip is, the harder it is to ’see’ with the naked eye, so I start with a magnified mirror below the stylus. Curved makeup mirrows, I have a light coming in from the side and lift/rotate the mirror to get a great view of all surfaces.

$6. MAGNIFYING MIRROR to VIEW STYLUS (two). 3-1/2” DIAMETER, One: 10X; One 20x + 2 tweezers

Next: brush? Gel? Fluid? Nothing, all is well.

I apply fluid as a standard precaution every twenty plays or so, cleaning the cantilever as well as the stylus, some fuzz might have clung to the bottom of the cartridge body. Always back to front, never side to side, never front to back.

Inexpensive glued on stylus tips: the fluid might soften/dissolve the glue, then not too often, and use a brush right after the fluid to minimize the fluid on the glue.

Owners of cantileverless cartridges (Decca, Ikeda) or super short cantilevers (Dynavector Karat) should probably avoid using stylus liquids. It is far too likely to get into the body of the cartridge, where it can cause all sorts of corrosion. I've had the coils come unglued from an armature in a Decca this way.

I use bulb syringe to blow the dust off. It's a lot better than just with mouth, because you can actually spit on it. 

I use liquid around once per year or few, but not habitually.

I am definitely no expert. But I always cringed at brushing stuff on my stylist… which I did on my previous cartridge (a Frog). A couple of common brands… one from Last. Nothing bad ever happened. I stick now with a gel pad when it gets dusty. I just find it hard to believe there isn’t some residue.