Best value Set amp for under $1500 used is ok.

Looking to power some large horn speakers and replace my SS Audio Research upgraded LS10 power amp because it needs service and I am not ready to service this unit for a variety of reasons not worth discussing here.

Specs for the Viking Acoustics L’Instrument speakers



Sensitivity: 98 db

Time Alignment: Drivers time-aligned mechanically and electrically.

Bandwidth: 18Hz - 19,000 (18Hz - 50kHz with optional super tweeter)

I have tried 845/805/KT88/120 in non set builds. I’d like to try a 300B or similar set  design for these without burning the budget. I’m based in Australia and prefer to use 240V capable amps.


There have been very encouraging  comments regarding the Willsenton R 300 which is a 300b SET integrated amplifier. I have not heard it but owner feedback is consistently quite positive. It falls within your stated budget.


Sophia Baby makes a great stand in amp.  I have one.  plenty of power for your speakers.  Otherwise, if you can find a used Decware SE84 (actually my first choice but hard to find, they sell quickly).  I believe there is currently a used SE34I.5 on the decware forum classifieds but slightly over your budget.  These options much better than anything chinese.


Like Charles, I also read mainly quite positive reviews on the Willsenton amps for good value in an integrated, but don’t have personal experience with them. There’s a dedicated FB group for Willsenton. Rogue could also be worth a look.

If you have a preamp available, I'd highly recommend a VTA 70 from 


Just to comment on the Willsenton amps being suggested, I had the R8 for a while and i was impressed with the overall build quality and sound. Only thing i didn't like was the remote volume control was too fast to be useful in a hi efficiency system. other than that, it's a supper $ value amp.