Zavfino Majestic USB Cable

I am planning on upgrading my $50 straightwire usb cable to something under $300 and came across the Zavfino Majestic USB. The specs look great but I can’t find any semi-detailed reviews online besides on their website. 

Has anyone tried this cable? What are your impressions? Thanks! 


@brunomarcs "Custom made  to his measurements” correct!

I don’t buy critical cable-assemblies on amazon, those are custom and built of military grade bulk cable and professional terminations, e.g. Amphenol (for dig)/Neutrik(analog). All standard cables in my sys are Accuphase ASL/C series. 

built of military grade bulk cable and professional terminations

Hmmmmm…. Military Grade Bulk Cable. That’s a first. Never heard.

Any links to these please. Or are those only available to members of the Military?

for digital interconnects I choose cables with best EM shielding 90dB+, lowest diff-common mode conversion, common mode filter, lowest Tx-Rx crosstalk,  freq. dispersion, and lowest insertion loss at least at 6th clock frequency harmonics.

I am guessing those military grade bulk cable rolls have those measurements available? Or you measure and sort through all cables to determine “lowest” yourself? If so, what measuring instruments do you use? Thank you