External DAC for Sony SCD-777ES

My SCD-777ES has the Kern mods. Vishay resistors. Black gate capacitors.
Sounds good and easy to live with. Still far from the performance level of my turntable.
I would like to try an external DAC for red book.
There are many in the $ 500 to $ 1,500 used price range.
Please share with me your experiences.
Happy Holidays
you might be able to get some improvement with a power conditioner - my experience has been that CDPs benefit most from it.

otherwise, I'd audition at length before buying an external DAC; the modded Sony is already up there with the best digital (I have a Kern-modded SCD-1)
Your thread doesn't mention if your player has the super clock installed. If it doesn't then this is where you need to put your money. The super clock upgrade is a huge improvement over the stock clocking circuit.
I do not have the Superclock. I believe it is two parts. A circuit board and a power supply for the circuit board. Is this a mod I can do myself or do i have to send it in? Does this upgrade only change redbook or also improve SACD?
You've done quite a bit of trading here so why not try some of the popular dacs in your price range and see what you like. As you prefer used you know you can do this with little $ worry. There are numerous options in your price range but if I were to make a specific recommendation I'd say try a used Bel Canto dac2. Very ice for the used price.

The super clock and superclock power supply are separate mods and depending on your skills can be done by you. I had a local modder RAM (reference audio mods) East install both the clock and power supply in my scd-1(did it free). The superclock will improve both redbook and sacd performance. This is the single most important mod you can do and will exceed the performance gain that the resistor and the cap upgrade made by a large margin. If you only did one mod to yout player the superclock would be it. I can understand now why you said your TT outperformed your 777es. Forget the DAC and get the clock installed. I can not believe Kern would do the resistor and cap upgrade and not the clock knowing full well the improvement the clock makes.

Audiomod know offers the reference clock which is claimed to be a large improvement over the superclock 4. It is very expensive at 795 versus 295 but as I understand is a big improvement over the sc4.
