New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:




I have heard the Razz several times and each time it is a sound I could absolutely live with.  Most recent was at AXPONA last April.  They were aimed with lots of toe in aiming at a spot a few feet in front of the listener.  Huge sound stage floor to ceiling, ultra refined with no harshness or glare, and big sounding bass.  These are a clear cut above the Klipsch heritage because they have virtually no cabinet resonance coloration. These are the ones I plan to own someday.  

I am not sure if it is coincidental that SP10 shares close similarity with Tannoy Eaton in terms of specs.  The faceted baffle, driver design and the resultant distinctive but pleasant sound traits are definitely good deviations.  I think SP10 is a great debut product since he joined MoFi and sweet balance among the three design considerations he often mentions, i.e., bass, size and efficiency.


Looking at that chart it looks as if the MS10 is deliberately aimed squarely at the Eaton.

It cannot possibly be coincidental because Andrew Jones has been around far too long to not be aware of the Tannoys. He even mentions them in interviews.

Both the Eaton and the Fyne now have an additional rival.

Hopefully someone will post a comparative review between all 3 before long.

Looking at that chart it looks as if the Sourcepoint 10 is worth it's weight in gold.