Amp pairing with Tannoy Turnberry?

Hi all!

Going to be picking up a pair of Tannoy Turnberry speakers in the near future, and was looking at some various options for integrated amplifiers. There are a couple on my radar and was wondering if anyone who owns the speakers has any insight. 

1. Primaluna EVO 300 or 400 - torn on whether the extra $ warrants going for the 400 over the 300. I had a Primaluna + Tannoy pairing some years ago and loved it, so immediately thought of this one.

2. NAT audio single HPS v2 - this is at the very top end of what I could consider budget wise. I have heard this amp, but not with the tannoys. It sounds incredible to me, but I'm not sure if it would play nice with the Turnberry speakers and don't have the ability to test one at home. 

From what I've hard of the NAT, I'm thinking it may be the better option, but maybe there is a better solid state in the price range I'm looking at. Ideally, I'd like to stay in the 5-6k range, but willing to stretch a little bit more for something I will be happy with for the forseeable future. 

Thanks for any insight.



What I find very interesting about Tannoy speakers are the wide range of amplifiers used by their owners. From 300b SET to 300 watt solid state or class D. They all seem quite satisfied with their respective choices. Of course numerous variables will influence one’s preference.

That is why I said with regard to the OP, what type of sound is he seeking? I also know that even with the same speaker sensitivity, they all aren’t equally driven due to other factors. My speakers are 94db and just sing with 8 watt SET (Preferred over my 100watt PP tube amplifier). However, circumstances do vary among listeners.

The NAT Audio amplifiers have a reputation for exceptionally good power supply design and their own hand wired transformers. For my taste it’d be the NAT Single HPS. No doubt others would make different choices. Which is attested to by the diversity of amplifiers used among Tannoy owners. Many good options.


I liked the Luxman L550ax with my Turnberry SEs.  Though discontinued in the US you can pick them up used at a reasonable price.  I also had a Primaluna dialogue integrated at one point which I thought was a good pairing, but the Class A Luxman gives you the best of both worlds (tighter bass, airy highs, and great detail but still slightly warm) depending on your tastes and room, of course.


I agree with your assessment but like you said, there are lot of variables that can influence end user choices not to mention room acoustics which are often overlooked. I have driven my Canterbury’s with a 300B - 8W amp. Did I hear and enjoyed the mid-range magic 300B known far, you bet I did.  But beyond that, I felt they just couldn’t drive my Canterbury’s with authority. The 15” woofer kept begging for more power and control. IME, an amp with power to spare (headroom) is always a wise choice. 

NAT maybe exceptional due to its outboard power supply. We all know a well appointed power supply can be a biggest differentiator between a great sounding amp and a mediocre one. I am always open to learning from other Tannoy owners, there are so many options that I have yet to experience so my antenna goes up anytime Tannoy’s are in the conversation :-)


I can see the GM 70 NAT amplifier being a more suitable choice compared to a 300b SET. 50 watts class A versus 8 watts certainly provides greater margin and reserves. The OP hasn’t listed his room size, usual listening levels or music genres listened to. I recognize that we are engaging in open forum speculation and “what ifs”. But it’s fun.😊


now for something completely different....I'm using the new Atma-Sphere class D monos with my Stirling GR's and think it could be something you might like.  My listening session last night was memorable I'm not sure anything could better it except other distortion flavors which might be preferable in some cases.  These amps have none that I can detect.