Digital is far better than vinyl

I have invested a decent sum of money into my digital setup, including a decent streamer (Innuos Zenith MK3), a very good dac (Denafrips Terminator 2), Eno filter, and good cabling. But after being told by many here that vinyl is vastly superior to digital, I thought let’s build an analog system and see what all the fuss is about. So this is what I did ...

I picked up an Audio Technica TT from Amazon for around $299. I then used one of the older integrated amps with a built-in phono, which I believe I paid around $500 a few years ago. And, finally, just to even out the playing field I bought the cheapest possible cables from alibaba. Since I didn’t have extra rack space to put the TT on, I got a couple of bricks and built a DIY platform for it.

So after listening to the analog setup for a few days, I can proclaim without a shadow of doubt that digital is far, far superior than vinyl on any given day, and twice a day on Sunday.

What has been your experience? And please, don’t mention your gear or any special. cartridges, isolation, etc. Not interested in your system details. I just want to make sure you guys understand that digital is far, far superior than vinyl.


My point here is I don't observe most digital/vinyl arguments being about sound quality, vast majority have totally unequal setups for a reason. People spend majority or exclusively on format they believe more in.

Most digital vs vinyl arguments I've read are based around sound quality. Tangible factors may play a role in the preference of one format over the other, but quite often one format is ultimately discredited on the basis of sound quality. Understandable in this highly subjective hobby. I do agree that the majority of those participating in the digital vs vinyl argument have unequal setups that makes a fair comparison impossible, which the OP of this thread is highlighting and mocking.

@sonic79 My point is while they may think they're arguing sound quality, they really aren't. Their predetermined bias has influenced their decisions of where to spend money, this unequal performance only further reinforces this predetermined bias.

Maybe in your system but in reality, it is not even close.  Once you get to reference level equipment, digital cannot compete.  Stop by our Listening Room in New Jersey and we will be more than happy to demonstrate the differences.


Happy Listening.

Once you get to reference level equipment, digital cannot compete.  Stop by our Listening Room in New Jersey and we will be more than happy to demonstrate the differences.

It sounds like you are a dealer? Just curious, can you list your reference level equipment you use to demonstrate both digital and analog? Along with the retail prices for them. Thanks

This debate is very similar to the tube vs solid state arguments we have heard for years. With equivalent level equipment comparing the same recording, it does, to a large extent, depend on personal preferences. Those who prefer a warmer rounded sound compared to high definition and precise spatial resolution have every right to opt for tube equipment. This argument carries over to vinyl vs. LP, and when the comparison is made fairly (at the equipment and recording level) it may indeed come down to personal audio listening preferences.

Do keep in mind the incredible number of superb recently remastered high resolution recordings that were originally released on vinyl.

Let’s move on!