Amp pairing with Tannoy Turnberry?

Hi all!

Going to be picking up a pair of Tannoy Turnberry speakers in the near future, and was looking at some various options for integrated amplifiers. There are a couple on my radar and was wondering if anyone who owns the speakers has any insight. 

1. Primaluna EVO 300 or 400 - torn on whether the extra $ warrants going for the 400 over the 300. I had a Primaluna + Tannoy pairing some years ago and loved it, so immediately thought of this one.

2. NAT audio single HPS v2 - this is at the very top end of what I could consider budget wise. I have heard this amp, but not with the tannoys. It sounds incredible to me, but I'm not sure if it would play nice with the Turnberry speakers and don't have the ability to test one at home. 

From what I've hard of the NAT, I'm thinking it may be the better option, but maybe there is a better solid state in the price range I'm looking at. Ideally, I'd like to stay in the 5-6k range, but willing to stretch a little bit more for something I will be happy with for the forseeable future. 

Thanks for any insight.



Tannoy includes ground terminal to further optimize performance by way of reducing RFI. The intent is to keep RFI away from the voice coils. There are several ways to ‘ground’ …I’ve tried both mechanical and mineral based grounding. In my system, I found mineral (ores) based grounding to be most effective in further enhancing the performance. 

After connecting a pair of Entreq boxes to Tannoy’s dedicated ground yielded a new order of magnitude in sonic improvement - the bleeding of RFI noise to grounding box allowed me to hear nuances more clearly. The detail retrieval is further improved whilst remaining natural and organic in presentation.

If I were OP I’d be tempted to try the Manley Snappers for sale at TMR (probably listed here too). 100 Watts of sweet EL34, and Ms Manley herself is a lifelong Tannoy aficionado.

For what it’s worth I agree Tannoys can thrive with either tubes or SS. I’m still in love with what the Phison A2.120SE bring to the table for my Canterburys.

I’m shocked Noone has suggested Sugden! My Tannoys just love my Sugden class A. Only 30 watts and my Tannoys sing. I think it's a match made in heaven. A lifelong pairing, at least for me.

@lalitk I just heard the Wolf Von Langa's at CAF you're in for a treat I heard Canterbury's at that same show to me a not great pairing with ARC gear. But was happy to hear a Tannoy Reference speaker finally! The WVL's were paired with the amazing sounding Tron 300B integrated.

To the OP if you don't end up going with the NAT amp the 6L6/KT66 is a very good one and some very good amps out there using those tubes.

I have had the pleasure to hear Tron Audio amplifiers on a number of occasions and they’re excellent across the board. You must have heard their Atlantis 300b. I’ve not heard that but have heard their 211 based amplifier. Very high quality components.
