Question to those believing in speaker break in


How far apart should I put the speakers when placing them front to front and with reverse polarity on one of the speakers?
Somewhere I read 4 inches, but why not as close as you can? Totally together if you can?


Letting them play normally for break-in can be part of the fun, FWIW. Between acclimating your own ears to your new units…and allowing you to measure changes in your speaker from the process. Having fun with hi-fi is often part that’s forgotten in forums. There are very few “absolutes” so have fun however you decide.

No harm will come just playing them as-is and enjoying the different phases of the break in, but to spare the family from excessive noise, I used to lay flat faced speakers face down on a thick carpeted floor and play bass heavy music. You’re basically loosening up the surround and spider suspension of the woofers during break-in. Bass should be the most impacted component of the music spectrum until things loosen up, but if there’s a mid-bass driver that can benefit from some flexing over time also. Low frequencies and higher volume (within reason) will cause those drivers to move the greatest distance, which is really what helps the suspension loosen up fastest.  That first few hours should make the biggest difference.

Depending on the caps used in the crossover there could be some notable changes in the upper mids and treble too.

I agree with several here and it’s what I did. Just put them in the spot they will go and listen to whatever music you like. So what if it takes a little longer to break them in. Mine took about 3-4 months. Big difference especially in the bass as noted by knotscott. Enjoy the music!



OP, to answer your question:

When I was auditioning speakers, I needed them to break in quickly so I could maximize the trial period.

1-2" apart

reverse polarity

playing brown noise around 90 db

covered with a thick blanket

played them for a couple days straight, took a break, played them some more.

It quickly added up to 100 hours of break in.


There is no reason to go to extravagant measures when running in new speakers. When I get new speakers I follow the REL subwoofer break in procedure which is not really that severe or time consuming. It worked perfectly for my REL subs and speakers too.

Find some music that has deep bass beats and sustained notes.

Play loudly for two straight hours.

Then play moderately loud for 12 straight hours.

Finished, now enjoy.

My REL subwoofers did increase in output over the next several months but not by much. The break in process works and if it works for subwoofers it should easily work for speakers and it does.

You can do as you wish of course but I cannot validate your proposed method.  Also as REL mentions you should not use pink or white noise.  Bass beats work best along with some sustained notes.  Find the title Atoms for Peace, perfect for the process.