Bad Cornwall IV?

Hi guys. I finally upgraded my decades old receiver to an Anthem MRX-1140 to compliment my Cornwall IVs that I bought a few months ago. While running through the room correction ARC software the right front speaker sounds very different from the left and center (all Cornwall IVs). Can someone look at this graph and let me know if the speaker is bad or what the problem could be?


ARC Graph


Thanks in advance!


I have Klipsch Heresy IVs bought new from Upscale a year or so ago and the binding posts are picky!! I had no sound from one speaker, blamed my amp, fiddled and futzed and discovered it was the spade speaker connectors. Switched to bananas via those Audioquest converter plug things and no more problems. I had been about to ship my amp off for service, glad I kept futzing. 

Cornwalls deserve better than an Anthem digital processor. Look to tubes, therein lies your answer….

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