Music for 2022- Is It Just Me Or?..

Hello All!

December is now here and I realize that I have not purchased as much music this year. Being a Redbook guy I normally buy an average of 150-200 titles a year. So far this year-30 (and it’s not for lack of looking). I’m getting another order ready and have only 25 titles that want to own so far.

So- I wanted to put this question out to the group to see if it’s just me thinking this or if others feel the same- 

Have you found 2022 do be a boring year when it comes to new and interesting music?

Not talking about reissued “one more for the road” stuff.



For me it has nothing to do with the lack of new music. The reason I have knocked down 90% of my vinyl and CD purchases is streaming. Duh. I now feel stupid buying new records when I can get them for free other than a small monthly fee.

About a couple times a month I will purchase a physical copy of some album that is just out of this world to my ears, but buying about 10 to 20 a month will never happen again. Plus with over 2k vinyl and 300 CDs, I am running out of storage room. Thank you streaming, life saver, best music invention since stereo.


So it sounds as if you’ve moved in the direction of streaming- have you found equipment that satisfies you equally to your vinyl setup? Close to or just livable?


Check my house of stereo system. It includes vinyl, CDs and streaming. The three systems have a slightly different presentation but there is no way I can say I prefer one over another. Streaming actually offers a wider soundstage on most recordings. The key is to be able to have a setup that allows you to control the low frequencies, i.e. subwoofers. Streaming in my room requires a little more toned down low frequencies than CDs or specially vinyl. My vinyl rig cost three times the cost of my streaming rig and twice my CD rig. So in my experience streaming is the future and folks on this site eventually talked me into it even so I used to say I would never do it as I liked tangible media too much. So glad I kept an open mind since a totally new world of musical discoveries has opened to me.



I am looking forward in reading about your impressions and thoughts on the Animals SACD. I, too, have multiple copies on CD.


Happy Listening!

I can’t get into the new stuff. I’m still mining record shops for old cds to rip to my nas and used lps. I’m so downloading much more that I ever have. There’s still lots of old gems just waiting to be explore….I stay excited about that and the hunt. Streaming on the other hand isn’t doing it for me right now. Maybe the next phase.