What am I missing?

When discussing streaming we often hear the quality achieved by streaming compared to "cd quality". "Cd quality" seems often to be the standard by which streaming is favorably compared while cds have at the same widely fallen into disfavor as a medium. If "cd quality" continues to be a quality standard by which we judge streaming services -which it appears to be- why exactly do we hold cds in such disfavor? More sophisticated dacs can always be employed with cd transports as they are with streaming. I understand the convenience and storage issues with cds but I also understand that with streaming you will never own the music which you do with cds. This becomes even more unclear to me when considering the resurgence of vinyl and the storage and convenience issues involved with this medium. I don't believe the music industry ever wanted us to own the music we listen to but rather preferred we only rent and pay for that music each time.


The idea you can "timeshare" 1,000,000 albums for the price of one is enticing.  Assuming 1n hour/album and no eating, sleeping, working-type distractions, it should take a bit over 114 years to listen through all of them.  Of course, by the time you've finished your first pass, over 90% of those likely are no longer available.  You could just start over, knowing you'd rarely be subjected to the same music twice.

Personally, I have a lot of albums that are worth more than that to me.  I suspect a lot of them are not available streaming (local artists often self-produce).  Increasingly, these are crowd-funded through ArtistShare, GoFundMe, etc.

If "cd quality" continues to be a quality standard by which we judge streaming services -which it appears to be- why exactly do we hold cds in such disfavor? I understand the convenience and storage issues with cds but I also understand that with streaming you will never own the music which you do with cds. 

CD quality is not “the standard” by which we judge streaming, and CDs are less and less held in disfavor as both recording and CD player/DAC technology have continued to improve.  IMO, CD quality is more used to denote that the streamed music is at CD resolution (or better) and not a lowly compressed format like MP3.  And with streaming you have the ability to buy any track or album by downloading it and thus own it if you wish.  Also, what I pay for Qobuz each month is about the same price as buying one new CD or a couple used ones, and for that I have access to tons of music I’d never otherwise have heard, which is the most exciting thing to anyone who loves experiencing new music and doesn’t wanna just spin the same stuff over and over.  Also, a lot of streamed music, and especially new music, is available in hi-res, which you can’t get at all with standard CDs.  Last, my streamed music now sounds as good or better than spinning discs, and since 90% of all my CDs are available to stream I rarely play a CD anymore.  In fact, the more I enjoy all the benefits afforded by streaming, getting off my butt to find and load a single CD just seems more and more limiting and ridiculous.  Just my thoughts/experience FWIW.

In the "product as service" vein, I called upon one of the vendors we use for hvac maintenance, etc. We need to replace one of the furnaces--here in Texas, we rely far more on the air conditioning than the heat, but that cold snap in 2021 gave us religion. Anyway, one company has a new business model option-- they lease you the furnace, maintain it and charge you a monthly fee. You don't own your furnace- they do. At the end of the term, well, that's another issue. And if you want to sell your house, do you say, oh, btw, the kitchen is rented, we don't really own it--you have to take over the payments if the "lease" is assignable. 

I won't go further on this but you can see the implications. 

What are you missing, pmiller115? 

First of all, and as several have already noted here, the quality of the original recording is vastly more important than the playback medium. If you've never heard the SACD versions of Fritz Reiner's 1953 "binaural" recordings (of Dvorak's "New World Symphony" and Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition"), prepare to be amazed. These "stereo" recordings were made before stereo playback devices had even been invented, much less made widely available to consumers. The detail, accuracy of instrumental timbre, even soundstage spatial specificity, are awesome in those very early recordings; far better than the majority of recordings made in the last ten years.  Bottom line: if the original recording is good, it will sound good on your system, whether you play a vinyl record, a Red Book CD, an SACD, or a high-res stream.

But what about the argument that streaming allows access to tens of thousands of recordings for the price of one CD per month? My most knowledgable audiophile friend (he used to own our best stereo shop, and still writes for Stereophile) ditched his huge CD collection years ago, after ripping them all to a designated server. Last month, he unloaded his similarly huge LP collection, and sold his Oracle TT. Now, it's just streaming on his no-holds-barred audio system. Why not go down that road?

Speaking for myself, physical media for music is a lot like books. I'm a philosopher, and my house is full of books. Yes, I have laptops and tablets, and yes, I do read on those screens. But not only are old fashioned books special for lots of hard to defend reasons (the feel, the smell...), they also represent, in a very tangible way, my life and my mind. There are only so many hours in a day, and so many days in a life. The books I've read, and often re-read, are "me" in a very important sense. And I want to have them at hand—to know where they are in my house, and on their shelves, where they live; to loan them to friends when the occasion arises; to annotate them over the years we've known each other, so that when I take a book off the shelf I last read ten years ago, and first read 40 years ago, I can literally see younger versions of myself in the margins in pencil. Could I do something similar with e-books? I suppose so. But I haven't, because e-books didn't exist when I started reading.

So with music. My life isn't long enough to listen to everything that's out there. Nor do I even want to. I love music not as background, not incidentally, but as something to learn, to get to know over years and decades, to listen to again and again and again. I do still discover music new to me—both new performances of familiar pieces, and new artists, even new genres. But, despite the fact that I play several instruments, and I do have an extremely good musical memory, I need repeated listenings to really get to know a piece that I find rewards my attention. So the undeniable fact that there is a vast number of things available on streaming services is a moot point for me. I can discover new music on Bandcamp or even Youtube, and then seek out CDs on eBay for cheap of the music I want to really get to know by means of repeated listening. In short, my music library is "curated" as is my library of philosophy and literature and history. It's not just "available" in principle by maintaining a subscription, it's "mine" in a very strong sense: it has become part of my personality over a long lifetime. I would not want to surrender that, any more than I would willingly give up my identity.