Has anyone been able to define well or measure differences between vinyl and digital?

It’s obvious right? They sound different, and I’m sure they measure differently. Well we know the dynamic range of cd’s is larger than vinyl.

But do we have an agreed description or agreed measurements of the differences between vinyl and digital?

I know this is a hot topic so I am asking not for trouble but for well reasoned and detailed replies, if possible. And courtesy among us. Please.

I’ve always wondered why vinyl sounds more open, airy and transparent in the mid range. And of cd’s and most digital sounds quieter and yet lifeless than compared with vinyl. YMMV of course, I am looking for the reasons, and appreciation of one another’s experience.


Good question. Seems a comparison could occur in the analog output of each to look for small differences that would reveal why there is a sound difference. Same with SS and Tubes, which I think has been done. One think I feel worth mentioning is the selections in the comparison. Comparing two copies reveals the difference between the copies, but I would prefer a comparison of the original to the copies. Advice I received long ago was to listen to live music and then go shopping for gear. For me, the baseline is live voice, or live drums, guitar . . . Then I want to know which recorded source format is closest to the real thing live.

I love having both, but prefer my vinyl setup when I am in the mood to be fully involved in the listening. I also love my cassatte tape system, even though its noisy but that pure analog has some magic. My go to Daily system is all Digital via Roon and Qubuz. Its all music to me.


Thanks to all for a civil conversation here. Jitter, distortion, noise and mid and high frequency performance that seems to align with natural hearing sensitivity are raised as axis of differences.

In my limited experience, Redbook, despite having a higher range, unless well recorded, doesn't sound particularly 'lifelike' as , say, vinyl.

However, newer recordings at higher resolution, definitely seems to come closer to vinyl. Just re-issuing old recordings at higher resolution doesn't seem to offer the same results.
